Awosh Vedic Predictions

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An in-depth analysis of your son’s natal chart, reveals the blessings of the Sun, Venus, and Mercury, which indicates a promising future ahead, filled with opportunities for growth and success in various aspects of life.

His resilience, intelligence, and determination will pave the way for numerous achievements and personal fulfillment. Moreover, in career sectors like IT, engineering, finance, and fashion he has favorable opportunities.

During August 2024 with the grace of Mars, he will experience significant improvements in his health, occupational, and personal life. This period will bring positive changes and opportunities that will enhance his overall well-being and professional, growth.

Similarly, September 2024 will continue to be a favorable time, with further advancements and successes in his endeavors. It is a good time for him to focus on his goals and make the most of the opportunities that come his way.

However, from August 2028 to October 2028, he might face challenges in his career and financial life indicated by the Northern lunar node and Jupiter. These challenges could stem from external factors or internal struggles, requiring to stay resilient and adaptable. It is crucial for him to remain focused and persistent during this period.

Looking ahead, to July 2032 alongside, December 2032 with the aid of Moon, he is likely to experience further advancement and prosperity. These months will bring new prospects for growth and success in his professional and personal life. His hard work and dedication will pay off, leading to increased stability and fulfillment.

Overall, his future looks quite promising. Best wishes!

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